Saturday 29 October 2016


President Howard W. Hunter condensed our mission in life in three words: to save, build, and exalt (Teachings of Presidents of the Church, p. 255). This, he pointed out, is accomplished through travelling the path of charity. We often relate to charity as blessing the lives of the poor or doing good deeds of service. Whereas these are important, charity entails more than that. Charity is a two part concept: LOVE and SERVICE. Love is the feeling part, service is the easy, doing part. Service, however, if not born out of proper motives, profits us nothing. Therefore love is the more important part. Charity is defined in the scriptures as "the pure love of Christ" (Moroni 7:47). It is the purity of this love that makes it different to any other love because it enables us to serve others without selfish motives. It is defined thus: "At its' core, charity is all about 'purity of motive'. Moroni defines this purity of motive as the 'pure love of Christ'. Christ's pure love is simply this....It is His perfectly pure desire to bring each of us to His own station of character, glory, power and dominion. This is His only motivation (D&C 76:94-95, Moses 1:39). His love is pure because it is free of any ulterior motive or hidden agenda. Charity, therefore, is not an act, but rather the pure motive which prompts or inspires the act" (Larry D. Keeler, "I Do Always Those Things That Please Him", p 2). This kind of love is not easy to develop. In fact it is impossible for us to do so. We are told in Moroni 7:47,48 that this pure love is a gift bestowed upon the true followers of Christ. If we follow Christ in all things, aspiring unto righteousness, we will become more and more like Him and acquire His attributes, including charity, the most most crucial one for us to have. We must want it and we must have it. To what end? To build, save and exalt.

"The world in which we live would benefit greatly if men and women everywhere would exercise the pure love of Christ, which is kind, meek and lowly. It is without envy or pride. It is selfless because it seeks nothing in return. It does not countenance evil or ill will, nor rejoice in iniquity; it has no place for bigotry, hatred, or violence. it refuses to condone ridicule, vulgarity, abuse, or ostracism. It encourages diverse people to live together in Christian love regardless of religious belief, race, nationality, financial standing, education or culture" (President Howard W. Hunter, "Teachings of Presidents of the Church", p. 263).

"Out of the abundance of His heart, Jesus spoke to the poor, the downtrodden, the widows, the little children; to farmers and fishermen, and those who tended goats and sheep; to strangers and foreigners, the rich, the politically powerful, as well as the unfriendly Pharisees and scribes. He ministered to the poor, the hungry, the deprived, the sick. He blessed the lame, the blind, the deaf, and other people with physical disabilities. He drove out the demons and evil spirits that had caused mental or emotional illness. He purified those who were burdened with sin. He taught lessons of love and repeatedly demonstrated unselfish service to others. All were recipients of His love. All were 'privileged the one like unto the other, and none were forbidden' (2 Nephi 26:28). These are all expressions and examples of his unbounded charity." (President Howard W. Hunter, "Teachings of Presidents of the Church", p. 263).

I asked God to take away my pride;
And God said "No"
He said it was not for Him to take away,
But for me to give up
I asked God to grant me patience,
And God said "No"
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation
It isn't granted, it's earned.
I asked God to give me happiness,
And God said "No"
He said he gives us blessings;
Happiness is up to me.
I asked God to spare me pain,
And God said "No"
He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
And brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow,
And God said "No"
He said I must grow on my own,
But He will prune me to make me fruitful.
I asked God if He loved me,
And God said "Yes"
That's why He gave me His only son to die for me,
And I will be in heaven someday because I believe.
I asked God to help me love others
As much as He loves me.
And God said
Finally you understand what you truly need.

-Author Unknown

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