Wednesday 13 January 2021



I have friends who are presently immersed in the Second Coming frenzy. They all believe that 2020 was the beginning of the end. And rightly so, considering that President Nelson advised in last General Conference that our 'new normal' should be preparing for the Saviour's coming. Some of my friends are frightened and some are very excited at the possibility that the Second Coming is at the door. The thing is, it has been at the door for a long time, only we have just now started to take notice.  Consider what President Kimball had to say about this in 1972:

"There will be no general warning to the membership of the Church that things will be shortly falling apart.  We have been commanded to follow the signs of the times and that is all the warning we need or will be given. But the membership is asleep. Like the ten virgins, we have been commanded to watch and prepare, but like the people in the days of Noah, many members have become lulled into a false sense of security. This 'lack of warning' is designed to weed out the tares; the 'all is well in Zion" crowd....when the cry sounds, there is no time for preparation." ("Faith Precedes the Miracle", Chapter 23)

1972 is a long time ago but the voice of warning did not start way back then, it started even earlier. In fact it started on 1 November, 1831, with the revelation given to Joseph Smith which is now known as the very first chapter of Doctrine and Covenants. We read in verse 3: "And the voice of warning shall be unto all people, by the mouths of my disciples, whom I have chosen in these last days." The whole restoration of the Church was accomplished for this very purpose, to be the voice of warning. 

I have often heard in Sunday School a very well intentioned but silly question asked by the teacher which goes like this: "If you knew the Saviour was coming tomorrow, what would you do to prepare?" Even sillier than this question are the answers I have heard, like: more missionary work. I am always amazed at this. Just how much missionary work could you do in one day to make up for years of not doing it??? What could you possibly accomplish in one day? My answer is, nothing. There is nothing we could do in one day to change ourselves for the better or to accomplish more good works. Nothing you could accomplish in one day would give you enough oil in your lamp. 

This is what scares me: When Jesus taught His disciples about the condition of the world preceding the Second Coming, He said that there shall arise false Christs who shall show great signs and wonders and they shall deceive even the very elect (Matthew 24:24). John spoke of one main anti-Christ who would assume the guise of Christ in the last days (1 John 2:18-22; 4:3-6; 2 John 1:7) Many of us who will not be endowed with the spirit of discernment and guidance of the Holy Ghost will be led away. The endowment of these two gifts is what the preparation in advance can do. When this anti-Christ comes, and we are prepared, we will be able to know him for who he is. I know some members of the Church who fall into the category of 'the very elect' and who have already been led away. It is scary to think that we can lose those we love. What should also scare us, is that it could happen to us too. 

John the Revelator was shown all the calamities and destruction before the Second Coming. We are living through these times, and the worst is yet to come. Nothing can alter what will be, except on thing....our preparedness. We can do today what will make the difference tomorrow. The more we prepare now, the greater our enthusiasm for His coming will be, until we arrive to the day when we can say: 'even so, come Lord Jesus' (Rev 22:20) 

- Cathryne Alen